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R No.6059  [Reply]
Apparently somebody at trains magazine doesn't think you can use a freight locomotive to haul passenger train. https://www.trains.com/mrr/how-to/prototype-railroads/you-cant-pull-passenger-tr

1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
¨ R No.6061  >>6062
Don't you also need a head-end power unit, or are the American passenger cars still powered by axle generators and oil heaters?

That said, the distinction is obviously mostly legal. In most of the rest of the world passenger-equipped locomotives happily moonlight as mainline freighters.
¨ R No.6062  >>6063
I just... I can't even begin to touch on his wrong this article is.

There aren't any axle powered generators still in use on regular service in the US, as far as I'm aware. However, despite the name "head end power", HEP generators can be mounted on any passenger car that has the physical space available, typically being underslung from the bottom of the frame. If the generator can provide enough power, it could power the entire consist; alternatively, you can have multiple cars with generators placed strategically through the consist providing power to sections of the consist.
¨ R No.6063
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Up in Alaska, the cruise line cars all use their own gnesets because if they need HEP from the Alaska Railroad, the railroad charges them a bunch more. Consequently, your bacon and eggs come with a hint of diesel exhaust.

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R No.6044  [Reply]
Rather thin on details.


CN police, RCMP investigating Monday train robbery in Brocklehurst

Mar 28, 2023

KAMLOOPS — Kamloops RCMP are assisting CN Rail police as they investigate a train robbery.

Spokesperson Cpl. Crystal Evelyn says RCMP were called just after 7:00 a.m. Monday (March 27). The incident took place at the junction of Tranquille Road and Ord Road in Brocklehurst.

It’s not known what was taken.

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¨ R No.6047  >>6049
Hearsay is they took switch keys. This could get weird.
¨ R No.6049  >>6050
I've broken plenty of shitty worn out locks with a hammer and a spike. If somebody REALLY wanted to throw a switch, the lack of keys wouldn't stop them.
¨ R No.6050
Oh yeah but I'm thinking more of the corporate response. Which is always rational and reasoned.

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R No.6035  [Reply]
Did the Toonerville trolley have an established route or did it vary as it was convenient for the cartoonist?

Embed: GTA… but with talking trains!!–(YouTube)
R No.6033  [Reply]

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R No.6019  [Reply]
What the fuck is NS doing?
Is this going to be enough to kill PSR or will they blame everything else and double down?
¨ R No.6020
They just issued a 10,000 ft limit or dpu as a result. They pulled one car off 224 in Princeton Indiana to follow the new guidelines.
¨ R No.6023
Those are funny looking tenders.

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R No.6013  [Reply]

1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
¨ R No.6015
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Theyy're just mad that Ed Dickens is not Our Lord and Savior Stan Lee. Screw these asshats. I have paid for TO membership in the past, but it's not worth it to me anymore, hasn't been for years.
¨ R No.6016
I never took the crew over there as being a viscous bunch, but I guess they are sticky lot.
¨ R No.6017
>not railfare
ed, wtf

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R No.6004  [Reply]  >>6007
How common of a phenomenon is this?
¨ R No.6007

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R No.5850  [Reply]
¨ R No.5998
The problem with sleepers in Japan is that the operators have all figured out you should charge an arm and a leg to much fewer people then just some (((regulated))) fare to fill up the place.

The new "cruise"-style trains feature literal suites, whereas these old sleeper bunks are hostel-tier

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R No.5990  [Reply]
New here, sorry if this has been brought up before, but what do we think of Francis Bourgeois bloke? The reviewbrah of trains.

¨ R No.5991  >>5992
Disgenuine socmed influencer crap.
¨ R No.5992
idk seems like a young aspiring autist to me
¨ R No.5995
This dude always weirds me out

Embed: Mandy Patinkin Justifies Buying More Toy Trains–(YouTube)
R No.5983  [Reply]

¨ R No.5986  >>5988
Thaddy did you know this? How did I not know this?!
¨ R No.5988

I mean I knew he liked trains but LOL this is great!

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